
Posts Tagged ‘creative writing’

Transcript from an imaginary session with a psychologist.

Doc: Good morning. Let’s jump right in, shall we? Tell me why you’re here.

TDW: Ooo boy. Why am I here? Getting deep right off the bat. (nervous laugh) No, seriously, I’m here because I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. I quit my blog a month ago and now I want it back. I think. Maybe.

Doc: Ah. Well, it’s obvious you like it or you never would have started one. So, let’s start with the hate part. What caused you to hate it?

TDW: After awhile, I started feeling pressure to entertain, to get comments, to get stats. I didn’t start blogging for all that. I started blogging to make myself laugh, and then if people were entertained or challenged to think about something in a different way, then all the better.

Doc: So you felt like you had to come up with entertaining stuff all the time and that you were no longer writing for the sheer pleasure of it.

TDW: That’s right. Wow, you’re good. Nailed it in 4 minutes. How much I owe? $8? (Doc makes no reaction.) That’s a joke, doc.

Doc: Yes, right. Of course. So, why not just go back to writing whenever you feel like it?

TDW: Well, it’s not that simple. If you don’t write often, people tend to move on. And I can’t write on a regular basis. I have a day job that often turns into a day/night job, so I get as busy as a bee and I just don’t have time to post on a reg–

Doc: Sorry to interrupt. But which would you say is busier, a bee or a beaver?

TDW: Pardon?

Doc: Some people say, “Busy as a beaver” and others say, “Busy as a bee.” You said you’re busy as a bee and I’d like to explore why you chose a bee over a beaver.

TDW: Ah, good one. Ok, so anyway, I get really busy at work–

Doc: No, wait. I really think we should explore this.

TDW: Seriously? Whether I think a beaver or a bee is the busiest?

Doc: Yes absolutely.

TDW (sighs & ponders): Are we talking sheer volume or as a percentage of body weight?

Doc: I don’t understand the question.

TDW: Well, it was your question; I’m just trying to determine the proper measure. Obviously, a beaver moves more stuff than a bee. I’ve never heard of bees moving entire trees and damming a river. On the other hand, bees pollinate our vegetation and, as a percentage of body mass, perhaps all that flying around actually involves more work than building a dam.

Doc: Do you analyze most things with this sort of intensity?

TDW: Frankly, doc, I didn’t choose to analyze this. I simply threw out a lame cliche about my workload and you asked about bees vs. beavers. You know, I probably chose “bee” because the word “beaver” makes me think of a vagina. I know that’s juvenile, but I can’t help it. Call it immature word association. It makes no sense to say, “I’m as busy as a vagina.” (Pauses to think then says slowly.) Unless, of course, you’re talking about a prostitute. That would be a busy vagina. Or perhaps a woman with a bladder issue.

Doc (stares mouth slightly agape)

TDW: What?

Doc (recovering): If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

TDW (exasperated): Oh, for fu– I refuse to answer that question.

Doc: Interesting.

TDW: Sorry, no. There’s nothing interesting about that comment, and there’s certainly nothing interesting about that question. Can we please get back to the topic of blogging.

Doc: There’s a lot here to digest. I think we’re going to need a few more sessions.

TDW (shrugs carelessly): Okey doke. Do you validate? Ha. That’s funny. Get it? Validate? Parking? You’re a psychologist dealing with the validation of people’s feelings? No? Whew. Tough crowd.

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I Can Remember

I can remember so much about you. I can remember your first camping trip with your friends. “Roughing it” in a suburban backyard, but in your minds, the yard was a forest filled with bulls, bears, and skunks. Well, you didn’t imagine the skunks part. It just smelled like skunks because of your friends’ flatulence.

I can remember y’all told stupid kid jokes that were slightly risque. And that made you feel older.

Jokes like, “Why did the zombie cross the road?

“I dunno. Why?”

“Because he was trying to screw the chicken!”

I can remember you practicing your motorcycle jumps. Unfortunately, you never got good at it. Just kept racking yourself on the handlebars.

I can remember when you went through puberty. You felt it so important for girls to think you were well-endowed. What didn’t you shove down your pants? I remember you tried everything from packing tape to vegetables. You never got the subtle difference between zucchini and cucumbers.

I can remember that when you weren’t lubed up with baby oil stroking your ferret you were applying Sea Breeze to your face because it looked like a Chicago-style pizza.

I can remember your first hooker. For some crazy reason, her nickname was Shampoo and she took Visa. Hmph. The miracles of the credit card. Man, there were 1001 ways to buy Shampoo. I can remember how you caught a STD from her. You basically had to undergo chemical castration to get rid of it.

I can remember your first major breakup. You kept asking yourself, Should relationships have a black box of post-destruction feedback? as if such a box would enlighten you for future relationships. I remember telling you, “That kind of black box is not going to help you. The only way to get over old box is to get new box.” I then smiled smugly for my witty use of the pun.

I can remember how you called your deceased wife, “Pudding,” to the end. Then you gave everything y’all built up to charity. Working those heaven points a little hard, aren’t you?

“Who am I,” you ask? After all these years, you still don’t know? Given how not well-endowed you are, I can best be described as one of the two grains of sand in your bathing suit. The right one in fact.

You know the one. The testicle that every idiot male says he would give away to make a girl perform a lewd act on him or to get a fancy ride. “I’d give my right nut to have her go down on me. Or, I’d give my right nut to have that Porsche.”

Yep. I’m the right one. One half of the rock group called The Swinging Gentiles. Thank you very much. Look at your left circle of love. The one you never offered to give away. Does he have anything to say? Nope. He just sits there. I’m riding shotgun with a mute.

But you keep in mind who was with you all this time. I can remember. Perhaps you should, too.

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Here’s the background for newcomers (and feel free to join in).

The list is complete. Here goes:

1. the miracles of the credit card
2. the bulls the bears and the skunks
3. why did the zombie cross the road
4. 1001 ways to buy shampoo
5. should relationships have a black box of post-destruction feedback?
6. chemical castration
7. baby oil
8. Chicago style pizza
9. pudding
10. motorcycle jumps
11. sand in your bathing suit
12. stroking your ferret
13. packing tape
14. the subtle difference between zucchini and cucumbers
15. charity

As always, link to your story in the comments section of this post and/or email your submission to me at tdw at thedailywit dot com.

This exercise has grown in participants with each round. I don’t expect this round to be any different. In other words, don’t disappoint me.

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I’ve had numerous people ask me when we’re going to collect 15 more topics for the next random topics story. Mental Mist gave me 5 a while back and Harmony has chipped in another. So, we need nine more.

Here’s what we have so far:

1. the miracles of the credit card
2. the bulls the bears and the skunks
3. why did the zombie cross the road
4. 1001 ways to buy shampoo
5. should relationships have a black box of post-destruction feedback?
6. chemical castration

Leave a topic in the comments. Once we get to 9, I’ll list them in one post and we’ll be off.

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On October 14, 1992, Ronnie Sullivan was driving home on a small two-lane road in northern Minnesota. It was a cool, crisp night and the stars seemed close enough to touch. He had spent the majority of the evening boozing it up at a local bar. He left alone and told everyone he was heading to his house to wake his wife up and “make a baby.”

Ronnie didn’t make it home and he was never seen again.

Until 2005. In Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Ronnie jerked awake as a gigantic C-130 cargo plane thundered overhead toward its landing strip. Ronnie tried desperately to take in his surroundings. All he could discern was that he was clothed in a hospital gown and sitting in a vacant lot. Looking in the direction that the C-130 had landed, he eyes came upon a sign that read, “Ramstein Air Base: United States Air Force.”

Ronnie tested his legs, decided he could walk, and made it across the street to the main gate of the air base where he was greeted by a very serious airman.

“Can I help you?” asked the airman with a coldness that indicated no help was forthcoming regardless of what Ronnie said.

“Yeah. I need help. I’m an American citizen. I have no idea how I got here, where my clothes are, what year this is. Nothing. Please help.”

The airman looked Ronnie over cautiously before directing him to stay put. The airman entered his guard booth and picked up the phone. “Colonel Miller. ASAP.”

Col. Miller picked up the phone on the first ring and barked, “Speak to me.”

“Col. Miller, this is Airman Thomas at the main gate.” Airman Thomas lowered his voice to a whisper. “Sir, we have another one.”

Ronnie was led to a small, non-descript interview room with the clichéd one-way mirror facing him.

Col. Miller and Lieutenant Daniels entered the room through a door behind and to the right of where Ronnie sat. “Mr. Sullivan, right?” Col. Miller was cheerful and warm on the surface, but boiling underneath.

“Yes sir. Ronnie Sullivan.”

“Well, Mr. Sullivan. I understand that you’re an American citizen, but you have no idea how you got here or how it came to be that you’re in that gown, correct?”

“That’s not exactly right. In the hour that I’ve been waiting in here, a lot of stuff has come back to me. In fact, I remember things pretty well. Just not sure I want to be talking about them.”

Col. Miller sized up Ronnie. “I can’t help you unless you tell Lt. Daniels here everything you can remember. I’ve got to tend to something, but you cooperate with him and we’ll help you as best we can.” With that Col. Miller left the room.

He walked down the hall to another plain room and entered without knocking. Before him sat Bob.

“Dammit Bob! What the hell’s going on?”

Bob was not his real name. In fact, Bob wasn’t really a “he,” but more like an “it.” Bob was an amorphous blob of a creature. The creature had a discernible face, but was otherwise featureless. Bob was an extraterrestrial.

“It was an accident,” Bob said.

“An accident is when two cars run into each other. An accident is when I spill coffee in my lap and scald my nuts. Abducting an American 10 years after we signed the Cessation of Abduction Treaty is not an accident,” Col. Miller seethed.

“We thought he was a Canadian. He lives close to the border and our scientists thought they were in Canada,” said Bob.

“You traveled 40,000 light years; past Neptune, past Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars to find Earth. You’ve been amongst us for 60 years now. And you can’t tell whether you’re in the U.S. or Canada?” Col. Miller was now beside himself.

Bob shrugged as best an amoeba-like creature can. “If I had fingernails, I’d let you shove toothpicks under them. What do you want me to do about it now?”

“Why did it take you 13 years to bring him back here?”

“It’s somewhat like how you humans are about giving presents. You buy the present, you know you’re going to give it to the recipient, but then something comes up and you forget to drop it off or mail it. Next thing you know months have gone by and you still haven’t given away the present. So you feel guilty. Another 3 months go by and you realize it’s been a year. Now you feel so bad that you determine that you can’t give the present to the person because that would be rude. Finally, you bite the bullet, give away the present 15 months late and make up a ridiculous, unbelievable cover story about how you were rooting through the lost and found at your kids’ school searching for your child’s left mitten and lo and behold there was the present. ‘Sorry for the delay.’ Well, that’s how we were about Mr. Sullivan. We kept him so long that we felt bad about returning him.”

Col. Miller shook his head and left the room.

Lt. Daniels was finishing up some preliminary questioning as Col. Miller reentered the room. “Where we at?”

Ronnie had fully regained his senses and was speaking with more confidence. “I was about to start talking about the night I disappeared.”

“I had just emptied a fifth of Jack Daniels at my local watering hole. Basically, I’m a drunk. I’ve tried several times to get through a twelve-step program, but I can never complete one. I always jump off the wagon at Stage 2 or 3, you know, ‘Eat smaller portions.’

“I believe that’s a weight loss rule,” interjected Lt. Daniels.

“Oh. Well, I have a fat wife who always put slips of paper on the fridge with those slogans. I get them mixed up with the 12 steps. Normally, she’d just use the slips of paper as napkins while she dug into another cheeseburger.

But anyway, I left the bar. I call it “The Tarantula Titty” because they got strippers, but most of them have hairy nipples and their fat rolls feel like arms all around you during lap dances.

So, I was driving down the road when this flying saucer looking thing landed right in front of me. The door opened and out came this monster that looked kind of like a bear. I may be a drunk, but I knew there weren’t no such things as flying saucer driving bears.

I know this sounds crazy, but I could just tell that there was no way for me to get away. I seen that Close Encounters movie so I knew I couldn’t outrun them. I also knew they wanted me aboard that spaceship, so I got on.

It didn’t take them long to start doing all these tests on me. I read the National Enquirer every week, so I knew what to expect. Truth be told, I wasn’t really that scared.

The worse of it, of course, was when they stuck a tube up my butt. It was covered in this sticky stuff like glue. I’ve had a clonosc-, cologneosc-, that thing where the doctor looks up your butt with a telescope, so I didn’t mind the pain so much. It was the after effects.

Every time I far-, passed gas, my ass blew bubbles. You remember that room in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory that had all the bubbles? Well, that was my ass for days at a time.”

Ronnie took a sip of the Ugandan coffee that Lt. Daniels had given him. “This ain’t no Folgers,” Ronnie thought to himself.

“So, back to the ship. There was this one main alien that seemed to enjoy all this butt probing. He was kind of like that dude that did all that torturing a long time ago to get people to convert to Christianity. I don’t know his name.”

Torquemada,” said Lt. Daniels.

“Yeah, him. They would also shoot me full of something they called radioactive isotopes just to see which colors I would glow. Now, a man has been brought low when he has a tube shoved up his poop chute, but sitting back and laughing while he glows all the colors of a Skittles bag is just downright wrong. That was plain humiliating.

One time that had me glowing fluorescent green. All the damn flying bugs they had collected kept running into me like I was a bug zapper. That’s just not right.” Ronnie paused. “The next thing I know. I’m lying right outside your base. I don’t know how long I was up there.

Well, I ain’t got much else to tell you. I know you don’t believe me.”

“It is a pretty amazing tale, Mr. Sullivan. We can get you back home, but I don’t think this is the story you want to be telling people to explain your disappearance for the last 13 years. When you went missing, your car was found on the side of the road. It looked like you’d wrecked. People assumed you hurt your head, wandered off with amnesia, and never recovered your memory. They believe you’re who-knows-where doing who-knows-what. You can show up back home, but if I were you, I’d let them believe just that. I wouldn’t mention any space rides. Oh, and I hate to break this to you, but your wife remarried.”

Ronnie thought for a moment, smiled a bit upon learning that his wife had remarried, and said casually, “That works for me. I was a drunk back then, so no one would believe me anyway.”

Col. Miller walked back down the hall to talk to Bob. “Ok. He’s not going to be a problem. You know, Bob, I’m getting too old for this shit. I think I’ll retire. I’ve been reading about micro-lending; where you lend small amounts of money to small groups of people and hold them accountable to each other. Perhaps I’ll retire to Rwanda and give that a shot. Now that my daughter has graduated college – she was captain of the soccer team, you know – maybe she’ll come help me get things started.”

At the Frankfurt Airport, Ronnie grabbed his ticket and shook Col. Miller’s hand. “Thanks, Colonel, for helping me.”

“Sure thing, Ronnie. But tell me, why on earth would you want to go back to your dinky hometown when you know your wife has remarried?”

“That’s easy, Colonel. Revenge. If that fat heifer had been with me that night like she was supposed to be, I wouldn’t have been zipping around the universe glowing like a neon sign while blowing bubbles out my ass.”

Ronnie winked at the Colonel, got out of the car, and disappeared into the throng of people entering the airport.

[Read here for the origin of the Random Topics Writing Series.]

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Travellinbaen and Samsmama have their stories up. As expected, both are great, entertaining, and leave you thinking, “How’d they come up with that?”

Please go read their stories. They’ll be the best things you read today.

I hope to have my story published tonight or tomorrow morning.

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Harmony has written a great story in response to The Daily Wit’s readers’ challenge to take 15 topics and write a story about them. Harmony’s submission is below. Thanks, Harmony.

It started off innocently enough. A couple of toothpicks and some glue and I had myself a miniature fence, such is the life of a man bored out of his mind. I found it most pleasing that this simple act out of sheer boredom seemed to upset her beyond belief. Why must everything have a reason, when life is filled with acts of the unreasonable kind? This pleasure I had received from her obvious disgust lead me to place my toothpick fence into the inner pocket of my jacket.

How that one little fence lead to the ultimate demise of my life, is something I sometimes can’t quite grasp. One day I came home late for dinner. Stuck in a meeting, rendering me unable to call and notify her of my whereabouts. I don’t know why I didn’t call before leaving the office, except for the obvious reason of delaying the inevitable. She was a sobbing mess, completely disheveled and totally unapproachable. I muster in a “sorry I’m late we had a.” When she interrupts me with a rant filled with so much rage, one would swear she had been injected with radioactive isotopes. Her “hulking out” session lasted a full hour, before she completely tired herself out. Upon explanation I could visibly see the instant regret smooth out her face. I found myself later that night adding to my fence. She walked by my study on the way to our room, peering in and letting out an over exaggerated sigh. My mouth stretch tight, before I even noticed that feeling of glee.

And so it became my revenge. For every negative outburst she threw my way, I added a wall that soon became a town. That soon became my ultimate environment for peace and solitude.

Before I knew it I was having cases of toothpicks delivered to the house. Picking up the occasional toothpick from random restaurants would simply not suffice. She nagged on, while I perfected the art of molding creatures together. My first creation was a bear, that I named Bane. Bane being the first-born became mayor of the town. We became instant friends, although I sometimes wonder if that is because he had no interaction with anyone else. Every Thursday night we headed to the town edge to Lake Foil and went fishing. Nothing is more pleasant than fishing on a warm Thursday afternoon. Bears if you haven’t already known, are wonderful cooks. And Bane I suppose is the best bear cook I have ever known.

She became insanely jealous of Bane, throwing out wild accusations with attempts of belittling me. “Why can’t you follow some college sport like everyone else’s husbands?!” she would scream at me. I can’t understand why she is so willing to neglect the fact that not everyone can find interest in the same hobbies. One night she even went so far as to demand that I no longer befriend “that, that…bear” she managed to utter out amongst her disgust and inability to understand. On a late night from work one evening, I entered the house to find that she had rigged up Bane above the stovetop. She demanded that I choose, it’s either her or him. I gave pause to weigh out my options when she suddenly turned a knob, and he went up in flames. I was naturally dumbstruck by such an evil deed. She further heeded a warning. Hissing that she is fed up with this dream world, and that I had better concede or she would banish every toothpick in a Torquemada fashion if need be.

In a desperate attempt to save my village, I put an end to creating more life. Sucking down a fifth of Jack Daniels a night in hope of passing out and not furthering her cause of destruction. One night after a belittling “drunk, waste of life” was uttered in my direction on her behalf, I had decided that justice was due in Bane’s honor. I spent all night long creating a tarantula, as she is deathly afraid of spiders. ::scoff:: Women! This was an end all, and I knew it. The sun had began to rise as I tip toed in and left the uproar of Bane’s passing on her pillow. I waited, childishly giggling, in my recliner for her reaction. And boy did she react!

Soon she was off to her mother’s and I was left to add on to my town and to create more creatures. If God himself felt such resolve in creating, he would never have stopped…or did he? Surely my study was not enough for the expanse of my creative mind. God had infinite space while I had a mere 3200 sq. feet.

Bills began to pile up and I started running out of resources in the toothpick department. Even my little run in with Jack Daniels for clarity, was just another habit that stuck around. Habits can be expense forming. I started auctioning off my valuables on Ebay. Right down to my Arabica Ugandan coffee, I hardly blinked at this being auctioned away as my need to create was more than my love for this fine Ugandan coffee.

Soon even that money ran its course, as my toothpick world made it’s way onto the back patio. I decided to meet up with an old colleague, who is into micro lending. During the act of plea(ing) my case I suddenly felt this overwhelming shame. Had I never spoke out loud would I have not come to this enlightenment? I excused myself, as it became horrifically apparent that I had hit rock bottom. I spent that night in a vacant lot drinking myself to oblivion, cursing Neptune ruler of men for not giving me the foresight of such destructive behavior. When a shout from nowhere was made “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus you idiot!” In case you haven’t noticed, this would be the real rock bottom. I vowed to God then and there that I had learned the error of my ways, and that I would go through whatever tasks it takes to help others in this similar situation. Sometimes you must hit rock bottom, before you can find the way out.

I stand before you tonight and see your bewilderment and I understand this, as you now know I have been here before. We are all here to offer our support, as there is not yet a twelve-step program for incessant bubble blowing. What you need to understand is that this habit could lead to great misfortune. This, my friend is your intervention.

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You Write The Story

I asked readers to give me 15 topics, and I would weave them into a post. This is how we got The Story.

Now, my erudite and talented readers have asked me to give them 15 topics to write about. Below are the 15 topics.

But rather than leaving your story as a comment, email it to me and I’ll publish it as a guest post. My email address is tdw at thedailywit.com.

Everyone is welcome to submit something (whether you participated previously or not), and all stories will get published, no matter how short or long.

Here we go. (Don’t try to discern a thought pattern from the order of my topics. I don’t have thought patterns.)

1. Toothpicks
2. Revenge
3. Bears
4. Glue
5. A fifth of Jack Daniels
6. Neptune
7. A tarantula
8. Micro-lending
9. Ugandan coffee
10. Torquemada
11. Blowing bubbles
12. 12 step program(s)
13. Some college sport
14. A vacant lot
15. Radioactive isotopes

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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